Os Princípios Básicos de Publicidade online

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You set several certain targeting parameters, such as maximum bid price and target audience. These parameters then determine where your ads are placed.

A user visits a publisher's site. The publisher's Supply-Side Platform (SSP) sends a bid request to the ad exchange, where Silk's DSP will be evaluating the value of the impression.

Esteja disposto a aprender com AS SUAS campanhas do anúncios e a adaptar suas estratégias utilizando base nos insights

Again, real-time bidding revolutionizes the way digital ad spaces are bought and sold, leveraging technology for instantaneous auctions. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

The important feature of the RTB process is its focus on the users, in contrast to other forms of advertising which can focus on the content and topics of publisher’s webpages.

RTB advertising is an ad buying method where parties buy and sell ad impressions in real time via automated auctions that occur while a page or mobile app is loading.

When you arrive at a site, before the page loads, the sitio’s publisher sends available ad space dimensions to the supply-side platform.

Say you run an automotive business that sells parts for sports cars, and you want to use real-time bidding to get your company’s name in front of people looking to buy new parts for their car.  You set your targeting website options and your budget.

The real-time bidding process starts when a visitor opens a publisher’s website. The whole process takes less than 100 milliseconds, but a lot happens during that time: A sitio sends an ad request to an SSP when there’s a chance to show an ad to a visitor. The SSP collects the data about the visitor (cookies, location, etc.) and the ad space to pass it on to an ad exchange. The ad exchange broadcasts the information about this ad opportunity to several DSPs.

Startups e companhias em fase de crescimento muitas vezes precisam aumentar a visibilidade da marca e conquistar novos clientes rapidamente. A gestãeste do anúncios Têm a possibilidade de ser uma estraté especialmentegia eficaz para gerar consciência sobre a empresa, alcançar 1 público Ainda mais amplo e impulsionar o crescimento.

Monitore constantemente este desempenho do suas campanhas e faça ajustes conforme necessário. Uma ótima dica é realizar testes A/B de modo a identificar este de que funciona melhor e otimizar com base nos dados.

Seleciona este teu objetivo por publicidade: podes escolher entre ESTES objetivos reconhecimento e interaçãeste de modo a campanhas de reserva.

It ensures that your ad is relevant: With real-time bidding, you’re also making sure your ad is relevant to the user. You’re not spending money on people who have zero interest in your business.

Your DSP determines that the impression fits your parameters, so it places a bid in the exchange. If your offer meets the floor price, you win the auction, and your ad appears to the user. If not, the bid continues to the next buyer on the server.

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